Date: 04/02/97 14:08:45
Name: Wesley Brian Jamison
Your Location: Wytheville, VA 24382
Your church: Hillsville Christian Church
Comments: Great job, guys!
I love this page. Our church is work on our own page, but
it is taking time. Hope to have it up soon.
Your neck of the woods stole our minister,
Rev. Charles Mackey. He's going to First
Christian in Palo Alto. Be in prayer for him and
drop him an email or snail mail letter to make him feel
welcome. Drop in and see him if you get the chance.
He starts at FCCPA on April 17.
Be in prayer for us at Hillsville Christian Church as
we look for a new minister. Pray for our church and its
Pray for me as well. I have been called into the ministry
and am just now completing my first year of college.
I hope to one day have the great pleasure of serving
a Christian Church congregation.
God Bless,
Romans 12.5 (CEV)