My aunt has a lot of Rock collections. She has her own room that is covered with the Rock. She has the Rock Book, blanket, magazine, Valentines Cards taped to her mirror, posters, a poster that she made of the Rock, a Rock necklace, Rock shirt, the bramo bull tattoo that the Rock has, and a lot of other stuff that I cant even name.
On July of 1998 my aunt, 5 of my cousins, and I went to the arena to see the Rock, wrestle just for my aunt to see. My cousins and I were wearing wrestling shirts. My aunt was wearing her jump suit.
Every Thursday at 7:30pm my aunt hops in the shower to get washed up for the Rock on smack down at 8:00pm. She puts on her Rock pajamas and gets ready for the Rock. She makes her own sign that says MY SEAT ISN"T ANY GOOD! You know when youre at home and not at the smack down.
In conclusion, you should see my aunts room and her self to believe it. So what do you think about my paper? Can ya smell what the Rock is cookin!
By: Jeremiah # 16
Room 23
Madison Elementary School
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