My Best Friend John
John is the best friend anyone could ever have. He used to be a boxer and he crushed everyone he ever fought. He loves to ride his bike and work on his computer.
He fought in a lightweight division. Then he retired. He punches fast on the speed bag and he teaches people how to punch fast on speed bags. He hits really hard on the punching bag. He hits harder than his students.
His favorite hobbies are riding his bike and working on his computer. He rides his bike to the beach and plays with his dog Petey. He checks his mail and plays computer games for fun. His job is painting airplanes.
Johns personality is very nice especially when he lets people drive his truck around. He buys people ice cream and takes them places like to the beach. He loves his family very much because they are his family.
John is really friendly once you get to know him .You would certainly like him as a friend. He looks really great and he is very strong.
John is my best friend. Thats why people always go to his house and have fun.
By Rodrick #20