James Madison


Student Council

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President:  Mike Walace

Vice President:  Jim Stuart

Student Council Representatives

5th Graders Serena Williams Forest Witticker
4th Graders Bradly Pit Jenifer Anistonio
3rd Graders Andrew Garcia Julie Andrews
Principal Mr. Hedges
Sponsors Mr. Pepek

Past Student Council Events:     

See Pictures from our School Carnival.

Click Here

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The Greatest Talent Show of the Millennium

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Click here for pictures

January 7th was a grand and glorious day for Madison Elementary School.   Mr. Pepek, the students and parent helpers put on an absolutely incredible talent show.    Students that participated ranged from 1st to 5th grades.  Everyone was thoroughly  entertained with solo singers, dance groups, the girl scouts with an audience participation song, line dancing, tongue twisters, contortionists, piano duets and much more. 

The audience was kept spell bound and laughing from Leslie, the M.C.  "She really kept the show moving and made it entertaining.  I kind of felt like I was at the Oscars and was being entertained by Billy Crystal."  Mr. Hedges was quoted as saying.  "She is going to be a great public speaker."  Next year's talent show looks like it will be just as fantastic as students are already tuning their voices, tapping their feet and perfecting their talents.

The talent show was made possible by the following sponsors:

Mendenhall Productions - Thank you for the light donations, your time and effort.  Especially Harold Mendenhall and Charles Sache. 

David at Radio Communications, Burbank, California 800-397-1293.  Thank you for donating the hand held radios.

See Our



Student Council Field Trip

Student Council visited several Lakewood government buildings on Friday, March 24.   We attended the Lakewood Sheriff Station, City Hall and saw many of Lakewood's historic landsites on a city bus tour.  The students learned about many government jobs and about how job security varied depending on the type of job that was held.   The tour was conducted by Mrs. Stewart who was very enlightening and who fielded the students barrage of questions extremely well.  The day was filled with excitement like seeing the armory at the police station, sitting inside of the police car, visiting the inside of the jail, seeing the Mayor's office and sitting in the Lakewood City Council Chamber seats where the Mayor and other city council members sit.  We also visited several Lakewood parks, which we learned, were built and designed before the communities that enjoy them today. 

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Student Council at the Lakewood Sheriff Station.

It was made possible with the help of Mrs. Valerie Lewis, who works for the Parks and Recreation Department and the Groundhog Day Shadow Program.  Thank you to Arby's who supplied several varieties of sandwiches and fruit for lunch.

Penny Parade Fund-raiser tops $1000.00

The student council was busy counting pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters during their lunch for a whole week and did it ever pay off.   To celebrate Lincoln's Birthday, the student council collected coins from all of the classes for a fund-raiser.  All of the classes earned Spirit Points for their effort to raise the most money and the two classes that collected the most money earned a pizza party.  The kids were so excited to collect the special penny parade cans everyday.  They would hustle back to Room 23 with arms full of pennies. 

Congratulations to the students at Madison for doing so well at collecting pennies and coins we often see on the ground.   Also, congratulations to Mrs. Forehan's room 20 and Mrs. Young's Room 11 for winning the pizza party! 

Student Council's gift to Madison

The student council is sifting through ideas of what to purchase with the money it has raised.  Several great ideas have been placed before us.  Concrete bus benches for under the trees on playground "B", a nacho machine, a popcorn machine, a year 2000 time capsule, a flower garden, and up grades to the auditorium stage.  If you have any ideas about what we might want to do, feel free to e-mail them to us at Madison Elementary School at:  gregpepek@yahoo.com

Upcoming Student Council Events:     

Popcorn Sales every Thursday after school

March Spirit Assembly - April 12, 2002

April - Students Dress Like A Twin Day-- Earn Spirit Points 

May 25 - School Carnival - Student Council will have a jail where you can lock up your friends and our pop-corn booth where every bite's a treat.

May 26 - Hawaiian Dress Day - Let's Start Summer a Little Early This Year

June 9 - Last Spirit Assembly - Sally Havice will be there to present us with a special Distinguished School Award.


Student Council Accomplishments     

Planting of Topiary Completed

The Student Council purchased a topiary and planted it outside the school office at the end of the school year.  It is a 6 foot tall wire mesh mustang that will grow as the plants inside of it grow.   Student Council will practice their tree trimming ability by grooming the mustang each month.

Auditorium Stereo System Up and Operational

The last component of the stereo system, the speakers, have just been mounted.  We listened to it on September 10, 1999.  "The speakers are up and they sound great!  But I think they might be too loud." Announced Mrs. Jubinal,  Madison's music instructor.   The student council is impressed with what it has accomplished.  The next items on the agenda seem to be portable speaker stands and a cordless handheld microphone.  But that will take some more fundraising.

Student Council Sponsored Activities

Spirit Stick (Spirit Assembly)

The student council started a SPIRIT AWARD contest in the 1998-1999 school year.  Each class had the opportunity to receive SPIRIT points in different categories throughout the course of each month .  The class at each grade level that accumulated the most points received a SPIRIT STICK and special recognition from the student council.  The categories that earned the points included the following:

1.  Lining up quietly for lunch each day
2.  Keeping assigned areas of the campus clean
3.  Participating in School and PTA Events - Skate night, Fundraisers etc...
4.  Working properly in other classrooms like Computer Lab and Library
5.  Participating in Student Council Events - Dress-up days, Fundraisers, Spirit assemblies etc...
6.  Points are deducted for classes that have students in detention

Student Council Fundraisers:  

Our student council fundraisers were a great success this year thanks to the participation of the teachers and students and parents.

1.  Penny Parade-  A contest during the week of February 12th, in honor of Lincoln's birthday, where the students bring in pennies and other loose change from home.  Two classes, 1 from first - third grades, and 1 from fourth - fifth grades, win a pizza party for bringing in the most money in change.  Student Council members collect the coins from their assigned classrooms each morning and count the money during lunch on a daily basis.   It reinforces responsibility, cooperation and hard work to reach a toward a common goal.

2.   We sold 2000 calendars and Bean Bag Babies.   

3.  Popcorn Sale-  6 oz. bags of popcorn on sale every Tuesday and Thursday after school.   Popcorn sells for $0.50 a bag.  What a great way to raise money consistently throughout the course of the year.

Yearly Events

1. Student Council Elections   (September)

2. Spirit Assemblies and Awards  (Monthly)

3.  Field Trip to visit the Long Beach Mayor's Office and decorate the City's December Holiday Tree. (December)

4. Penny Parade  (February - Lincoln's Birthday)

5. Popcorn Sales (Weekly)

6. Other fundraisers

7. Good Citizenship Kickball Tournament  (April - May)

8. Talent Show  (January)

9. Thematic Dress-up days   (Monthly-Weekly)-- Here is a little list of thematic dress-up days.  If you have other ideas, e-mail them to me and I will add them to the web-page.  Thanks

1.  Spirit Day (School colors, we wear red),    2.  St. Patrick's Day - Green,  Valentine's Day - Red   etc...  3.  Creative Hat Day,   4. Different color sock day,  5.  Different type of shoe day,   6.  Twin Day  7. Wacky Hair Day    8.  Flash to the past day (dress like the 50's, 60's, 70's etc...   9. College sweatshirt day (a great time to discuss where to go in college, future events etc...)  10.   Wear your shirt backwards day   11.  Look your best day (usually picture day)  12.  Hawaiian Day (great to get ready for summer or before a vacation)

If you have any other ideas for fundraisers, or for student council sponsored activities, I am creating a Student Council, ASB, Website so sponsors of Student Councils can have a place to go to share ideas. YOUR IDEAS ARE WELCOME!!!  Teachers Helping Teachers.  :)

Email questions to: gregpepek@yahoo.com

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