5th Ultimate Adventure: BVI
Day Six - August 3, 2012
Departing: Trellis Bay, Tortola
Day Stop: none
Night Stop: Saba Rock, Virgin Gorda
Day six is a medium length sail directly from Trellis to Saba Rock, located in Gorda Sound on the northern tip of Virgin Gorda. This is the rare day we will not be stopping at an anchorage for the day as very close to Saba Rock is a reef that offers outstanding snorkeling. Just a little bit west of Saba Rock is Necker Island, the island owned by Sir Richard Branson (CEO of Virgin Records and Virgin Galactic). The other reason for going to Saba Rock is this is the normal starting point for traveling to Anagada, our destination the next day.
Day Stop: Reef at Saba Rock.
Slightly north east of Saba Rock is a reef extending for a few hundred yards. Within swimming distance of our boat, the reef offers awesome snorkeling at various depths of water with an unbelievable amount of marine life.
Overnight Stop: Saba Rock, Virgin Gorda.
Saba Rock is a small spit of land in the channel between Virgin Gorda and Island. There was nothing on this spit of land during our first two trips, but a small resort was built around 1999. We will be going to the Full Moon Party, a monthly celebration of the full moon. We previously attened a Full Moon Party during the 1996 Adventure, at the Bomba Shack on the western side of Tortola.
Spending the night on the boat, moored at Saba Rock.