Date: 02/24/100 06:16:58
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Your church: assembly of Yahshua
Comments: If you look through the scriptures you will see "that the truth that was originally preached by HaMasiach", and his followers, would be perverted by wolves coming in and not sparing the flock. And as you read further you will see that an apostasy would begin and a falling away from a foundation of truth that has been established by HaMasiach and his followers. And thus the birth of Christianity begins. It begins by rejecting the third and forth commandments, which are Laws of Elohim "You will say how did they begin by rejecting the Laws of Elohim " Well it means just that!! They believed and still do today that if you believe in Jesus Christ then you are free from the Laws of Elohim. Therefore, they serve a god who has no laws for his people and this people believe in and live in a lawless religion. They believe all you have to do is just believe, which it totally contrary to the words of HaMasiach, and the words of Elohim. They do not understand, nor do they rightly divide the word of truth. Meaning also, they have not divided the difference between the Laws of Elohim that continue in the age of grace and the sacrificial, cleansing and purification laws, which are done away with By Yahshua HaMasiach.
So they just pick and chose what they want to believe. The do not believe in nor teach the 7day Sabbath rest and the perpetual covenants which are Laws of Elohim. These laws are the Feasts of YHWH {Not Jewish Feasts}such as the seven annual Sabbaths or Holy days. They also continue to break other laws and eat swine flesh and other unclean meats. And yet they say: "I live by the words of god and all I have to do is believe" They also observe all the pagan religious practices that's been going on for the past 5000 years but they now call it "Christ" mass, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving, "Which is a stench in the nostrils of YHWH".
Christianity does not want anything to do with what they call "Jewish-ness", however HaMasiach was Jewish and he observed all the Laws, the 7day Sabbath rest, Feasts, and Sabbaths of Elohim and so did all early followers of HaMasiach. But Christianity rejects this, ignorantly thinking that are serving the same HaMasiach. But in actuality Christianity rejects the true HaMasiach and believes in a messiah that only exists in the minds and writings of man!
Again, how did Christianity begin by rejecting the third commandment? Well, they introduced a Greek name for HaMasiach and did this ignorantly not knowing that YHWH will not give his Glory to another name. {other than a name he chose}And they addressed the Elohim of Heaven with the same pagan titles and names they used to call on their other, pagan gods, such as Theos, God, Lord Iesous, Jesus. And this my friend is another stench in the nostrils of YHWH!! These same names and titles are still used today and can even be found in the bibles of today because it was put there by man. Man as altered the most important things we need from YHWH.
Again, how did Christianity begin by rejecting the fourth commandment? Well, they did this by killing those who worshipped HaMasiach on the Sabbath day, and mandated a day of worship on "Sun" day in reverence to there pagan customs and practices. They made it against the law to worship on the Sabbath. Then they forced Sunday worship and a Greek named messiah called {J}Iesous on the people. They hated and killed the Jews and anyone who practiced Hebrew laws (meaning The Commandments of YHWH), and they did this in the Name of they newly found Greek named messiah!!
Christianity, in the beginning, ruled the world through the "unholy" Roman Empire, and spread their lawless god beliefs, complete with a Greek named messiah, along with the titles of their pagan gods throughout the world, and even to the present day.
We really don't want to co-mingle our beliefs with a pagan religion, do we?
Rev 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
Truth Restoration Ministry now has a new website and "Discussion Forum" to teach about the true name of the Messiah "Yahshua" The URL for the discussion forum is website: And we also teach about the true name of our Father "YHWH'. We also teach about the false names and titles given to the Messiah such as Jesus, God, Lord, Christ. which came from Christian leaders who were in a state of apostasy at the time. We also prove with scripture that Christian leaders do not live by the words of YHWH nor teach the scriptures correctly. We also prove with scripture what went wrong with Christianity. And we also "Expose with scripture the doctrine of today's Christian leaders to be nothing but, "The teachings of mans traditional religious ideas. And that Christianity as a whole has "become a false religion that uses false name and titles for the Messiah, because of the false doctrine of Christian leaders. And if you think that we are incorrect in this matter, then join many others in your faith to prove us wrong. Please provide chapter and verses of scripture in our "Discussion Forum", and we will be glad to discuss this matter with you, also with scripture. This is you chance to teach to the world your doctrine and to prove our doctrine wrong, along side many who believe as you do. Please take this opportunity to do so!
Truth Restoration Ministry represents , the body of believers in "Yahshua HaMasiach who teach the "Original Way". We do not represent any organization, or group, however there will give direct links in this web site to other websites who teach the "Original way" of truth". None of us, have all the truth, but what we have we share with each other "to the day that we all become complete and united in Yahshua HaMasiach. We all still have more to learn in these last days.
If you cannot prove your beliefs, then you should go back to the "Original way"
Acts 2:38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Yahshua HaMasiach for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit {Just like every believer in the early Assembly}. This is only the beginning and everything else will follow!
Biblical Truth is, and has always been, very important to those of us who "strive to enter in at the strait gate". With today's "information age" it is even easier to "study to show thyself approved". So "There remains no excuse for not knowing and understanding with prayer and Yahweh guidance, what the Holy Scriptures teach us.
The Holy Scriptures speak of an "end times" restoration of truth, in which we are active participants, as the title of our ministry implies. We want to share with you what is taking place today in the way of restoration, share some biblical facts which may shock you, and invite you to join with us in studying and spreading the original evangel (gospel) "…and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints" Jude 3.
As you read through the information included in this website and message board you will begin to understand why there is a need for a restoration. Indeed, the wolves have come in and scattered the sheep, and as stated in 1 Peter 2:1-2 "…there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the [Messiah] that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. 2 And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of."
The information included in the website and discussion board are shocking to some, rejected without any further consideration by some, and instantly adopted and lovingly cherished by those who have "ears to hear. And " again if you feel that we are incorrect in this matter then provide chapter and verse of scripture in our "Discussion Forum" and we will be happy to discuss this with you, with scripture.
The URL for the Discussion Forum website:
May YHWH Bless you with the understanding of his word.
Truth Restoration Ministry.